About Me

I’m here to help you build healthy habits and help you become the person you want to be.

I’m a personal trainer, mental health coach and a professional athlete competitive in arm wrestling and bodybuilding,

I’ve been working as personal trainer since 2013. After working with hundreds of clients with mobility issues, orthopedic prosthesis,  with absolute beginners and also professionals, I’ve seen how important is the mindset in trainings. Having done trauma healing myself and improved my mental health through physical fitness I’m here to improve my clients mental and physical health through habit building.

Hi there, I’m Susie Ann

I have always been fascinated with human behaviour and social psychology. I have been a personal trainer for more than 10 years and in this time I have had the pleasure of helping a multitude of people become the best version of themselves.

Up until 2020, my approach was to coach my clients according to everything I had learned in books, research, school and experiences with my other clients.

In 2020 I began suffering from depression and anxiety. I did not reach out for help or tell others I was struggling because I was the one always helping others and did not have the habit of asking for help.

To make matters worse, suffering from depression or anxiety and its effect on one’s mental state causes the physical health to decline as well. As a result, I was working out a lot less, eating very little and I also stayed at home most of the time because I was afraid of leaving home due to my anxiety.

Despite my best efforts to help myself with the same knowledge I used to help my clients, I failed to make a change. It was as if one side of me was fully aware but the other side was replying with the same excuses my clients used to tell me.

This led me to feel I had truly hit rock bottom. I knew that it had to stop. I knew I couldn’t live like this forever. In the bleakness of it all, I decided to put aside all the knowledge I had accumulated over the years, take a step back and have a good look at the bigger picture.

I started breaking down the big pieces to small ones, finding links and patterns in the process.

I reached out to people who had gone through the same thing and had an experience close to mine, I realized I was not alone. Concurrently, I started reading and researching this topic with a newly gained perspective and more in depth than I had ever done before.

What I found was surprisingly simple; it all boils down to habits.

Not exercising is a habit, going to bed late is a habit and even feeling anxious eventually becomes a habit and a state of mind. We humans are creatures of habit after all.

The other side to this is that healthy activities can also be shaped into habits; once the habit is successfully formed, it will become second nature.

I started implementing this new found knowledge by breaking it down into easy to manage and attainable steps.

After some time of following these steps, to my own amazement, I began noticing a change and gradually managed to go back to frequent exercising, reducing my anxiety and eating healthy and plenty!

I’m here to help you your habits so you can become the person you want to be!

What I Offer

Online Coaching

6 Week Online Coaching Program

1:1 Personal Training

Personalised approach available online &

In Person in Tallinn, Estonia

Group Fitness Classes

Fitness Yoga, Deep Work, Resistance Band

Workout and Circuit Trainings.

Available Online and in person.

Set Up a Free discovery Call

and let’s see if we’re a good fit! Online video call gives you a great opportunity to figure out if I’m the right person to work with.

Follow Us

Golden Club Rotermanni, Rotermanni 5, Tallinn, Estonia

